Introducing our latest tool: DESIGN AND BUILDING COST CALCULATOR! 🔢🏗

I understand that the #1 question on your mind is, "How much will my project cost?" Getting clarity before you build your dream home is the first step to success. But I also know that providing a definitive answer at the initial stages is complex and a little risky. That's why I developed the DESIGN AND BUILDING COST CALCULATOR – the simple, do-it-yourself way to estimate your number.

Here's how it works:

1️⃣ Estimate your project size.

2️⃣ Select your desired budget.

3️⃣ Let the calculator do the rest.

While your actual number will vary, our calculator provides a helpful starting point for your journey towards unlocking the perfect blend of architectural creativity and pragmatic building methods. 

Remember, this calculator is just a guide for the start of your journey. Your final numbers will vary, as they always do. But with Three Hat Buildings by your side, you can rest assured that we'll go the extra mile to enhance your experience and turn your vision into reality. 🌟Unlocking the perfect blend of architectural creativity and pragmatic building methods. 

Ready to get started? Click the link below:

Alexander Hill

Awarded the Architects Board of South Australia Prize in 2001, I began my career in Melbourne in 2002. In 2007 I started my practice with a beach house in Queenscliff. Intent on focusing on private dwellings, I continued working with builders to understand how to better implement an architectural design, which ultimately led to my own builder’s license. In 2015 I joined Destination Living to work on scaling the architect-builder model. Finally, in 2021 I pulled it all together to open my one-person office.

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