Do I need an architect if I have a builder?

The question of who is best to design your project is widespread, and furthermore, whether architects are genuinely worth the investment? So I was very excited to see a report in conjunction with the University of Melbourne released answering the question, “Do small practice architect designed renovations improve capital gains in the Melbourne residential property market?”

Often, architects are labelled as too expensive, which this report finally counters with peer-reviewed data, directly correlating money spent on an architect and the property’s future value. What an architect brings to the table is highly trained, specialist skills in design and construction for your project. Unbeknownst many builders avoid design not just because it is not their area of expertise but because builders are limited by law to charge not more than 5% on preliminary works. Secondly, there is no legislation on who designs your home, just that the drawings meet minimum standards. So, unfortunately, in Australia, it falls on the owners to demand quality home design.

Why Architects are the best place to provide quality home design is a topic for another time. This report sustains that projects with architects saw increases in value by 1.2% per annum more quickly than without an architect. And that for “every dollar spent on Architectural fees, there were 11.4 dollars gained in Capital Appreciation”. Consequently, owners no longer have to rely on the positive but often intangible value of an excellent solar orientation, airflow, or just the perfect place to sit and relax; now, there is a concrete analysis of a return on your investment.

Full Report

A4 Fact Sheet

Alexander Hill

Awarded the Architects Board of South Australia Prize in 2001, I began my career in Melbourne in 2002. In 2007 I started my practice with a beach house in Queenscliff. Intent on focusing on private dwellings, I continued working with builders to understand how to better implement an architectural design, which ultimately led to my own builder’s license. In 2015 I joined Destination Living to work on scaling the architect-builder model. Finally, in 2021 I pulled it all together to open my one-person office.

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